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Online Review Solutions Software

Online Review Solutions Software


ReplyD is a subsidiary company owned and managed by Revered Hospitality Co., Ltd., . A group of seasoned hospitality management individuals with high reputations in Hotels, Restaurants, and Customer Service. With more than 35 years of experience in the hospitality industry, our commitment and dedication is to help you achieve your Target.

Our team works 24/7 on a shifting basis, which means that the reply specialists are working alternately to monitor and respond to your reviews daily. You will have more than 10 seasoned ReplyD multilingual personnel and writers at your service for the price of one.

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Who We Are

We offer Software for Hotels and Software that manages your ONLINE Image by Responding to Online reviews. We also provide several services that revolve around Hotel and Restaurant Marketing and Management. Furthermore, we also do Hospitality Management and Consultancy. As a part of the package, we include Mystery Guest evaluation, so you can fine-tune your staff's performance in dealing with your customers.

Jerry Bigayan


He has a Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management and has more than 20 years of experience in the Hotel Industry.

Satra Satrapai

SVP-Sales & Marketing

He is a seasoned and well- established Hotelier with more than 35 years of expertise in Sales & Marketing.

Qingyan Xu


He is a successful Businessman with extensive financial management skills.

Gloria Lim


She has an excellent track record in handling International Clients across the globe for nearly two decades. Her extraordinary interpersonal skills are fully utilized in creating unique and personal responses for our customers' online reviews.

Ronald Jarboe

Country Manager U.S.

He has turned a simple business into a large-scale delivery service all across the United States of America. His excellent business skills in dealing with customers in the United States are in full use at our US office.

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Our Valued Partners

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Our Services

The Competition ONLINE is tough… and you need a tougher strategy to win it…

We ensure that the quality of your image online will give the Netizens reading your online reviews a better perspective of your property's service standards. The reviews that every customer leaves Online are a valuable tool for improving your property as a whole.

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Software for OTA Image Management

Reviews of every property play a very vital role in a booker's decision as to which hotel or resort to choose. The reviews create ratings, and the higher rating you have, the more NOTICEABLE you are ONLINE.


  • Save Time by responding for you
  • Lessen Stress and the use of your Brainpower

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The first impression of your property affects the entire stay of your guest. It is important that your staff are always at their best and that the highest standard of service and character are observed at all times.

We will be your mirror and evaluate your performance based on the standards set to ensure that a high-quality service is provided to the customers consistently.

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As the saying ..“Picture paints a thousand words” Image is very important to attract business and customers. So we hire only the best in the business. We have professional photographer and Video specialist behind the scene to capture what is needed to highlight your property.

By updating the current photos of your rooms, facilities and drone shots angle that is attractive to online customers.

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reply Specialist

Mystery Guest




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Based on Studies...

When shopping for an online accommodation, the majority of customers said that online customer reviews and online ratings influence them. Meanwhile, just one-fifth of customers see themselves as insusceptible to such reviews and ratings.

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OTA Image Management

Most netizens rely on reviews from other people who post their thoughts and experiences online. The more reviews, the more visibility. However, a Business needs to Gain as many reviews as possible to achieve a good ranking.

Negative Reviews must be attended to immediately as more people are interested in reading the NEGATIVES as they look into the Property's ability to provide good services. We take note of their concerns and identify the appropriate measures to address the issues raised.

We manage your online Impressions across, Agoda, Tripadvisor, Expedia, Ctrip,, Google Review, and any other platforms or sites that have your property's review.

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ReplyD Specialist

Our team of International Responders creates Personalized and Sincere replies to all the Reviews. We provide accurate translations for more than 15 languages, so all readers can understand the reviews written in the customers' native language.

The responses that we create are unique and personalized, as it is tailored to the exact contents of the reviews made by the customers.

As for the Non-English reviews, we provide a native-language reply. Our team will reply using the language that the guests used in their reviews, as they may prefer it, compared to a response in English.

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ReplyD Specialist Team









Jin Hide





MIin Te














Yeong Kim
















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Mystery Guest...

Professional ReplyD team members will make a reservation and stay on your property. Every detail will be thoroughly observed, starting from the reservation until checkout. We would pose as ordinary guests trying out your services and facilities. Then, we will provide you with an unfiltered and unbiased evaluation. With this, you can effectively monitor the quality of service provided by your property.

The identity of the one making the observations is not revealed. Thus, it is called a Mystery guest.

All the services will be tried and all the facilities will be used so that we can cover everything.

We can also make suggestions and recommendations based on the observations made. Thus, the customer experience of your guests can be enhanced further.

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Professional Photography

A team headed by professional photographer “Mamonn” take the photos and videos in higher level. with a combination of artistic angle, shots that will surely be interesting to look at. May it be Drone shots, or perspective eye view. Room types and food item menu. Our team will make sure that the photos will speak for itself.

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No REPLY is a Silent Revenue KILLER

It places your property at a huge risk of losing potential revenues when you leave reviews unreplied or unattended.

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81 Sukhumvit Soi 2, Bangkok, Thailand

Tel: +66 63223 5323

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